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Diurna, Hesperiidae, Hesperiinae • Small Skipper - Thymelicus sylvestris

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photo B070321, © Adriaan van Os, Coustouges 05-06-2022, altitude 820 m, Thymelicus sylvestris
photo B070321, © Adriaan van Os, Coustouges 05-06-2022, altitude 820 m, Thymelicus sylvestris

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Thymelicus sylvestris (Small Skipper) is difficult to distinguish from Thymelicus acteon (Lulworth Skipper) and Thymelicus lineola (Essex Skipper). The species also resembles Ochlodes sylvanus (Large Skipper).

Also see butterfliesoffrance.com, pyrgus.de, the GfS distribution map and lepiforum.de

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