lepidoptera.online © 2017 Adriaan van Os - Butterflies and Moths of South-West Europe  

Diurna, Lycaenidae, Polyommatinae • Adonis Blue - Polyommatus bellargus (Lysandra bellargus)

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photo B035994, © Adriaan van Os, Corsavy 02-09-2017, altitude 1300 m, Polyommatus bellargus, mating
photo B035994, © Adriaan van Os, Corsavy 02-09-2017, altitude 1300 m, Polyommatus bellargus, mating

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Polyommatus bellargus (Adonis Blue) resembles Polyommatus coridon (Chalkhill Blue) and Polyommatus icarus (Common Blue).

Also see butterfliesoffrance.com, pyrgus.de, the GfS distribution map and lepiforum.de

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